Hope. Help. Heal.
You are not alone. You deserve a life free from fear. You can heal.
It is ok. Hope is not lost. There is always something you can do!
Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence, abuse or fear.
You are not to blame and you are not alone.
Domestic violence exists in every community. In fact, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men have been raped in their lifetime.
Are the hurts of your past preventing you from living the life you deserve? Do you find it hard to trust or have loving relationships with others? Is your life out of balance because you are pushing yourself at work to prove your worth?
You are not alone. You can live a life of peace and happiness again. It is possible for you to trust again.
There is hope. You can recover from the pain of your past to live a life without limits.
We help men and women reclaim their lives.
Sometimes it is our thinking that holds us back.
Grace International is here to equip, guide and walk along side of you through this journey. It’s time to lay down and release your burdens of fear, of being alone, of shame. We are here to help move you out of hopelessness and into a mindset of Hope (Heavenly. Opportunity. Prospering. In Every way).
Grace International is here to walk you through, step by step on this journey for you to get the HELP you need to overcome and move into your HEALING.
There is a GOD-ordained purpose and destiny that awaits you.
It takes courage to ask for help, but once you give yourself permission to open the door for healing, you can step into a life of freedom.
There is a transformation that occurs in healing. Joy on the inside returns. Trust, and forgiveness returns. Your walls start to come down and you begin to fully embrace life again.
It all starts with a decision and desire to change.
A decision to make up your mind (there is hope)
A decision to change your mind (you are not stuck – there is purpose and opportunities WAITING on YOU)
Once Your mindset is changed –now you are able to walk in L.I.T.E. (Living Inspired to Excel)!
We would be honored to be a part of your journey to healing.

Love shouldn’t hurt.
You Can Live Your Life Free of Fear.

“Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. - 2 Corinthians 5:17
It isn’t easy to ask for help.
Abuse and trauma ofter comes with a feeling a shame and embarrassment. However, we want you to know that you are not alone. Many people around the world suffer in silence from abuse every day.
Some men and women didn’t even know that there were being abused. You see abuse comes in many different forms and is not only physical.
Some people suffer from mental abuse, while others are verbally abused or in relationships where they are controlled by the giving or withholding of money, forcing their victims to perform acts against their will or made to believe they have no choice but to obey their abuser.

You were not given a spirit of fear.
You were created to live an abundant life. A life without limits.
What we’ve found is many people, who have suffered from violence or any form of trauma in their lives, struggle to reach their fullest potential. Why? Because the hurt from their past is creating a barrier that holds them back from the future they deserve.
Grace International L.I.T.E. exists to help those who seek help, breakthrough those barriers so they can live the inspired life they were created to live.

“Thank you Lady Melinda for having Pastor Angela and I as speakers at your Domestic Violence Gala – Love Shouldn’t Hurt. We were honored to be a part of such a great event. I would like to express my absolute joy and spiritual agreement in the Spirit for this event. I believe God is well pleased with the ministry and the freedom and deliverance that took place during the event.
For myself, as one who has witness domestic abuse, having been an abuser, and have been abused, the testimonies and the openness of each speaker created an atmosphere for healing and deliverance.
This was a JOB WELL DONE. Once again, thank you for allowing me and my beautiful wife to be a part of such a powerful ministry.”
1 Corinthians 14:1(a) Let Love be our Highest Goal.
- Pastors Michael & Angela Moore
”I enjoyed the Domestic Violence Gala. There was a couple and the wife was the abuser. I like how the program didn’t tailor to women alone and included that violence can be from both Women and Men. I enjoyed everything about the program. Will definitely attend more programs”.
- Randall Parker
There’s a life of peace and joy that awaits you...
Where ever you are in your journey, we’ve been there and we are here to support you.
You can live beyond the pain of your past and into a life of freedom, even if you have buried the abuse so deep that you’ve convinced yourself it is no longer there.
We specialize in helping our clients go from anxiety and struggle to grace and ease. From questioning their self-worth to valuing who God created them to be.
It is time to Live Inspired To Excel (L.I.T.E.)
Imagine the life you can have once the hurts from your past are truly healed. How far could you go? How impactful in the lives of others could you be?
We are holding a safe space for you to step into. And once you step inside, you’ll find the peace and joy that has been waiting for you.
It all begins with one decision.
There is a power greater than you, that has your back and calls you to your highest potential.
The part you play in your healing, is giving yourself permission to accept the help.